Saturday, July 01, 2006

Mary Sidney—She's the Man

Last week I had a discussion and book signing at Garcia Street Books in Santa Fe, and it was so great. There were about 60 people and the store sold out of 55 books. Which is particularly wonderful because it’s my home town and because you never know if anyone’s going to show up for a book signing. Worse than no one showing up is when one person shows up, which is what happened in Cupertino many years ago. Cupertino, of all places, where Apple lives. One person showed up and it was mortally humiliating, but worse, I heard through the years that this one person told everyone else that only one person showed up. sigh.
But the event in Santa Fe was wonderful and everyone was so supportive and everyone bought books. It gives me the courage to carry on.
Our new bumper sticker: Mary Sidney—she’s the man!